Sunday, April 25, 2010

yes, no, maybe manifesto

i was really inspired by the Yvonne Rainer's NO Manifesto. Thus i decided to do something of the sort.

Our voice is not the only voice. The voice of those who choose to speak is a powerful one but not the only one. Krzysztof’s idea of healing a city through the voiceless is a compelling one. Yes; we should take it in our own hands to help these people speak. When we dig deeper into the spectrum of history books we miss out on much more than the simple words that are already on the page. What has been said is fraction to what needs to be said, especially relating to the past. Yes, people are scared. In general, most people are scared. I believe it is our duty to find what’s buried underneath; to go out and seek the untold.

Yes, I will listen. I will listen to strangers. It is more relevant to me now that strangers have a certain connection to me that I am not even aware of. To find this in another human being could create a bond in which in return would rectify the perception we have of each other. Yes, there is too much labeling between strangers. Yes I engage. Engaging the next person might invade the personal space in a positive way. The gap between the unknown and the known needs some mending. Yes inside this sharing of ideas is a narrative that when told, could lead to nothing but new ideas and smiles.

We cannot just pretend. Art must be a critique but life is not necessarily depicted solely through the art of the current time. I do not completely believe in the fabrication of something that is not. The visual stimulus provided by art is something that’s worth can only be measured by one’s own eyes. Whereas I believe the physical or relational stimulus provided by art is surely up to more of a critique. Henri Lefebvre brings forth the idea of everyday life and its value to art. That “critique of everyday life encompasses a critique of art by the everyday and a critique of the everyday by art.” No. No, I don’t agree with the first part of his quote, that critique of the everyday encompasses a critique of art of the everyday. No we cannot study history and pretend something is happening that is not. Every day is unique, so unique in fact that every second of everyday by every person is so incredibly different and therefore, in these differences, we cannot critique it this way.

Overtime, critiquing becomes harder and harder because more and more styles of art are spawned every moment. No, we cannot pretend to know what life was for an artist just by critiquing his work against the current time period. No, Henri Lefebvre was not completely wrong. I believe that there is more to his theory than I obliged. Art can however critique the everyday, by defining the everyday through its medium. Riding a bike through Washington spamming chalk messages about the president is truly showing how art can critique how not only the artist feels about the everyday but how people of the everyday feel about the current time. These acts or drawings or paintings or viral videos or whatever it may be, is the critique, not just the art they create.

Daniel Spoerri had it right. Maybe to be more than what we are as people today is to show the world exactly what we are. Is it something as simple as an act of drawing our space? Is space really so relevant? Maybe. The only way to overcome these feelings I have is to be aware. Our art is more than a perception of how we feel about a specific topic. Maybe space is just as much of a tool as a paintbrush. Without the right settings I cannot begin to have the clarity needed to design. The room must feel right. Spoerri simply showed the world a setting; a space in which someone had lived or been around. The space is essential for understanding how our own minds react to the world. If I see a beautiful sky that reminds me of an April day when I was 11, you might see something completely different. Thus every piece of furniture and every piece of everything around you effects how your art will develop, and this is because it directly effects you.

Maybe I don’t fully understand art. Art should reflect aspirations and goals. Art should reflect feelings and attitude. Art should reflect everything that your life is not. Maybe I don’t know what else if is supposed to represent. And yet I wonder if maybe life is nothing more than billions and trillions of atoms interacting with one another only to die and then spawn a new. Then again, maybe it’s not.

yes to compiled thoughts
no to being scared of the unknown
maybe i can become something more than this

yes i will defile your conservatism
no i will not subdue to one system
maybe there is always another way

yes i will begin to observe more
no i will not pretend
maybe ill catch the eyes of millions

yes there is more to this than we know
no science does not solve everything
maybe there is a reason for the discoveries

yes this auditory 'stimulus' will make me content
no it doesn't have to be the old
maybe i can do something with this

yes i need these people to survive
no this is not all of them
maybe more will come of this

yes nudity and rawness
no complete censorship
maybe you will see the beauty

yes i enjoy being free; completely free
no i dont need it
maybe they will combine

yes i want to expand
no i will not calm down
maybe then you will see what im trying to do

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